Monday, May 4, 2009

The R word is ruling(ruining) everywhere(everyone)

R word -- Recession. This word is been uttered almost everywhere.
Whatever happens around u am sure at the end of day it will be hookep
up to this word.

These are some of the ways the recession has affected me I keep hearing
from my company how they're cutting back
on payments, I'm hearing rumors
of people getting cut, etc.
It's already affected me pay wise(Both hike and
bonus has
been freezed till Mar-10) and I'm just hoping that I won't get cut
all together. For now, I still have my job and I'm

I wanted to go back to B school but I am going to have to put that off for a
little longer.
Most of my savings which i had invested in sharemarkets have
become a petty amount.Inspite of this i still invested
more this year
considering market would recover and it
would nullify my previous years
losses.(FACT everytime
i started investing in the markets considering it
reached its bottom, it managed to go even less & hope its not the
same this time around.)

The only positive thing i noticed coz of recession is People eat more
healthy foods in recession, drive less either as an
economy measure
or because they are no longer commuting
to their jobs.

What did this Recession teach us ?

The "ant principle" i.e If we worked hard and right during the "great" days,
we should have stored our goods for the winter
(hard times). If we fail to
plan, we plan to fail. I would think
that every generation goes through a
financial crisis. The key
of living through this is planning and preparing for

When i was writing this post i got a joke based on this recession.
Though its funny it could happen to u. It can happen!*

XYZ Office * A fire alarm rang at 6 PM when almost all shift employees
are in office(approx 5000). As usual entire office was evacuated within 3
mins & every employee gathered outside
office. 10 mins passed............
5 more mins passed.
Security Officer - Announcement started, "Dear
Employees -
With melting heart I am making this announcement that for
many of you it will be a last evacuation drill, as we are laying off almost 80%
employee. While moving in whoever's ID card
won't work are laid off & all
their belongings will be couriered
to them tomorrow. We followed this
approach as we don't want
to fill email box size with layoff mail in thousands
& also to
avoid any fight inside office". Hope you have Nice career ahead.
Please move in & try your luck.

I guess in the last 2 - 3 weeks the global economy shows sign of recovery.
Whether its a complete recovery or just a spike in the downward moving
economy lets wait n c.

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