Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dairy Industry Harsh realities

I have heard a lot from so called animal lovers or environmentalists or vegeterians about the meat industry and how it brutually tortures animal.I accept these facts. But why dont these people always neglect or forgot the suffferings done by the dairy industry ? .I would say if they truly care about these animals then they wont consume milk related products either.If eating meat or egg is sin then i wud say consuming milk is also an equal sin.

We generally believe that cows produce milk ‘naturally’ and they cherish getting milked. Its really surprising for many to learn that the life of a dairy cow is characterised by years of physical and emotional suffering.Dairy industry is always projected as happy cows with bellies grazing happily through grasslands where in actual case they r not so.Dairy cows do not automatically produce milk as many of us believe.Like any other female species—cows have to give birth in order to produce milk.The newly born calves are seperated within few hours or even after just few minutes from their birth, so that we can consume the cow's milk.This is very very stressfull for the cow and insecure for the calf as it is on its own having seperated from its mother.Also these calves are slaughtered for meat and more specifically for a substance called rennet which is used as a coagulant of milk in the process of making cheese.Male calves are of little value to the dairy industry, so dairy farmers sell them to the notoriously cruel meat industry.Most of the calves in the meat industry are mainly from the dairy industry.A byproduct of the dairy industry is a calf per year per cow.

To produce enormous amounts of milk cows are genetically manipulated,provided with high
energy feeds as well as drugged which will result in a metabolic strain on the animal.Also the great weight of the animal it l also acuse frequnet tears of ligament and foot problems like laminitis.

With advancement in the technologies most of the dairy industry now use milking machines
which causes infection to the cows at their mammary glands.The front teats may be subjected
to vacuum pulsing for up to two minutes after the quarter has been emptied and while the hind teats are still yielding. This is believed to be painful for the cow, and may also weaken tissue. The nature of the vacuum milking process is known to increase the possibility of infection.

Across few dairy farms the tails of the cows and the horns are amputated coz the dairy farmer do not want the dirty tails of cows to be swished in their face or the horns to hurt them.This causes severe pain,infections as well as nerve damage which might result in a chronic pain.

As time passes on if either the cows ability to produce milk declines or if they find difficult getting pregnant or it has any other disease then they are slaughtered. There is huge amount of wastewater and manure produced on dairy farms that pollutes rivers and underground water.A study by the University of Florida estimated that 100 cows can produce over 100,000 gallons of wastewater each week!

While I was browsing across sites to gather information i read this at one site i was really surprised by this fact .It says "The most alarming figure is that it takes 4000 glasses of water to produce just one glass of milk! (source: Fred Pearce, science advisor to New Scientist Magazine). This figure includes the water used to irrigate the crops grown to feed the cows, the water consumed by each dairy cow, and cleaning of the machinery and milking facilities."

Dont have a misconception that these kind of cruelties happens only on abroad.
Please go thru this link


Haarish said...

Well, thats reality! For example, a couple of months ago stray dog menace in Bangalore was at its heights. The government immediately ordered to taken them down! There was a big heu cry from the so called 'animal lovers' that they should not be killed. I'd say if you love them so much then take them by a bunch to your house and feed them. Don't put others to misery just because you fancy them!

Giri's Thoughts said...

Yes Man

One who can does
One who Cant teaches


King Bell said...

yea haarsih what u said is exactly true.People talk a lot of rubbish but they dont do what they preach.

Unknown said...

have not heard of this before..
thanks for bringing this to our view..