Thursday, April 9, 2009

White tiger - My Review

White Tiger a novel by Aravind adiga.Heard mixed reviews before reading this novel and gathered few information which i wud like to post.
Initially when the novel was published the sales figures were too low and things completely overturned when The White Tiger was awarded Man Booker Prize.

Coming back to the review The White tiger novel is narrated as a monologue format by the author himself.But one thing i dont understand is why he needs to tell his experiences to the chinese head specifically . Neways like most part of the novel this also didnt seem to make sense to me.The book was not so funny, its absurd,its artificial and he has also made fun of Indian Gods and it is another bloody way of selling India’s poverty and despair.I felt extremely happy and proud about Aravind Adiga for his remarkable achievement When got the Man Booker prize for his White Tiger, but then i had to repent for it later when I finished reading that book. It will please those looking for insights into contemporary India.I do accept that bad things happen in india as it takes place in every other part of the world but he has projected as if this is only way over here.India has given a lot of benefits to me so i wont agree completely with what the author projects.

But I guess we will always find people in this country who would always sit and think what I dont have and how bad this country is, rather than opening their eyes and realising what they do have.

The only positive aspect i found in this novel is that it is written in a simple language.

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