Sunday, April 26, 2009

Kite Runner - Book Review

The Kite Runner is a novel written by Khaled Hosseini an afghan writer
settled in USA.The theme of the novel swivels around family relationships
(particularly father and son),love,friendship, the inhumanity of a rigid class
system, the horrific realities of war,betrayal and the subsequent redemption.
The moment i hear of afghanistan what i picturise in my mind is war and
terrorism.But only after reading the book i realized that even afghansitan
was peaceful country and it had its own cultural heritage.But then due to
repeated wars it was ravaged.The story takes you through decades of change
in Afghanistan starting from the removal of the monarchy until the fall of the
ruthless Taliban.

The main character of the novel is Aamir from the high society class in
afghanistan.His father is Baba who is discontented with aamir partly coz he
was not as brave as him and partly he also blames aamir for his wife's death
(aamir's mother).Hassan the servant Ali's son is Aamir's best friend.Though
Aamir constantly abuses their friendship on many levels and also physically
abuses hassan coz he is jealous of the love that his father shows towards
Hassan.At some point of time Aamir betrays Hassan coz of that incident
both are separated from each other.And I do not want to break the twists
and suspense of the novel by goin thru the entire plot.The story goes on as
how aamir redeem his self afflicted sins and how he turns out to be
courageous rescuer from a sheepish cowardice.

There are two phrases that impressed me when i read thru this novel one is
always said by hasaan to aamir whenever aamir told him of some work.

"For you a thousand times over"

and the other one was said by aamir

“There is a way to be good again”

And if you want to be good again, if you have some hidden guilt in the
corner of your heart then get inspired to nullify the haunting guilt from
your life

Moreover, you will find yourself laughing and crying through every chapter.
Overall, Kite Runner is a thoughtful novel and I have absolutely nothing bad
to say about it.The novel was well written ,all the characters were suitably
developed and straightforward, which made the narrative easy to follow.
The writing style appeals to readers’ emotion a lot.Atleast for me, I was
extremely touched by sad scenes.

Heard the author's next book 'Thousand Splendid Suns' is also equally good.
Didn't get a chance to read it.Though i will read it soon and then post u guys
the review for it.


Haarish said...

Definitely a novel worth even for the occasional readers! I have heard about Kabul and its mystical atmosphere from my grandfather but the feel that the author gives is so vivid to make you feel the ambience personally. And to see that all in shambles is a lil wrenching!

Unknown said...

This is awesome novel, where you get involved personally as the story travels from Afghan to US and back to Afghan. Even after reading the novel, the characters never get out of your mind. Beautifully scripted characters. This story is Adapted to movie in the same name but movie failed to capture the final emotional struggle of the Aamir and Soraya. Its good read the Novel before the watching the movie.

"I brought Hassan’s son from Afghanistan to America, lifting him from the certainty of turmoil and dropping him in a turmoil of uncertainty."

"There was brotherhood between people who had fed from the same breast, a kinship that even time could not break."

Mad Hatter said...

While the novel opens up very well, it was a bit melodramatic towards the end (I was wondering if this was the script of a Hindi movie)and made me feel as though I am reading a cheap thriller. However, your observation about the second book is true: I bought it against much reservations, but found it much better, characters portrayed more realistically and brings out the horrors of Talibanism in vivid detail - Do look for a copy of a thousand splendid suns and you will not put it down without finishing it!

King Bell said...

@madhavji Yea got a copy of thousand splendid sons will start off with it sooner

Unknown said...

my kite s halfway da.. ur comment makes me to finish it soon..

King Bell said...

Pathudi anthra poguthu